Dear aid worker

your life deserves to be

a top priority for you.


Work smart, love strong,

feel at home anywhere

with the most gratifying career

Catch up on the latest Rewired For Good poscast episodes

Half the time, you feel you’re exactly where you want to be.

But the rest of the time, it goes something like this:

  • The demands of your job leave you exhausted and burnt out. No leave or R&R is ever enough to recover.

  • You can’t seem to get a handle on your ginormous to-do list, and unread emails keep piling up.

  • A part of you feels like an imposter at work and back home when people call you a β€œhero”.

  • You’ve been pretty much neglecting your personal life and well-being, but realize the clock is ticking.

  • Your relationship status? It’s either non-existent or β€œcomplicated”.

  • You feel stuck in a job that doesn’t do it for you anymore and you can’t figure out your next best move.

  • Your time on the front lines of human suffering has left you with compassion fatigue, numbness, depression or unbearable guilt.

  • When asked β€œwhere is home?”, you never know what to answer: it’s everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

Been there. Done that.

And it doesn’t have to be this way.

You can have your interesting, exciting, humanitarian career.

AND ALSO a fun, fulfilling, rooted personal life you think is out-of-reach because of your job.

Hi, I’m Yas :)

Aid worker and certified life coach.

I’ve been in the humanitarian sector for over a decade, with several L3 emergencies, and I can’t stand to see how many brilliant, hard-working, dedicated, awesome aid workers put their personal lives on the backburner because of their jobs.

Trauma-trained, I’m on a mission to make sure every single humanitarian worker:

  • has the tools to manage the hardships of the sector,

  • can figure out exactly what they want out of life

  • and actually makes it happen.

No. Matter. Where. They’re. Based.

Being an aid worker makes it impossible not to have complicated lives.

But then…

We wouldn’t want simple lives anyway. ;-)

So what do you really want?

  • Be more productive and get a grip on your insane to-do list?

  • Win the battles that the office jerk keeps throwing at you daily?

  • Find love in a way that feels fun, self-respectful and sustainable?*

  • Get a position that matches your values better or supports your personal goals?

  • Figure out how to make a long-distance relationship work or stop fighting with your partner?

  • Finally get along with your parents or reconnect with your estranged sister?

  • Find a house you can call home, and decorate it with the stuff you collected across duty stations ?

  • Work out consistently, eat less crap, cut back on your drinking and go to bed early?

  • Learn how to have more fun across the board and worry less about what others think of you?

The Rewired For Good process has been designed to help you achieve that and more.

With a deep understanding of the humanitarian sector.

And first-hand experience of its many pressures and constraints.

Sustainably. Without burnout. Without willpower.

Rewired for Good is a unique, tailored process to help aid workers:


    Become much more productive and focused, and achieve more every day, with time to spare for rest and fun. I’ll teach you how to get it done, and understand why you procrastinate so you can’t stop doing it and so that at the end of your work day you can actually choose to watch Netflix knowing you earned it. Bye bye burnout!


    Whether it’s with your ex, your parents, your sibIing, your boss or your colleague, I’ve got good news: it only takes 1 person to make a relationship be ok. And for relationships you want to take to the next level of aweome, I’ll teach you the critical skills and my simple, proven formula to create real connection and love.


    Humanitarian contexts can be emotional roller-coasters given the human misery, office politics, inter-organization competition, and lack of support systems we face. We get easily frustrated, angry, depressed, and paralyzed at times. Become the master of your emotions so you can control them (not the opposite) and react in ways that make you proud.


    Consider imposter syndrome and shame, things of the past. I’ll help you know your worth, get clear on your core values, find your purpose in a sector that sometimes feels like a lost cause, and show up every day with confidence. Get ready to be unapologetically you. You haven’t even begun to discover what you’re capable of.


    Whatever habit you want to quit or cut back on, whatever daily practice you want to adopt, I have a simple, doable process to get your body and mind on the track you want. No willpower required. You won’t feel bullied, deprived, or punished by yourself. Just pure, clean, loving self-discipline. This is the only sustainable way to make it happen, my friend!

This is what Rewired For Good members say…

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The Rewired for Good podcast is the go-to resource for aid workers looking for concrete ways to stay sane amid chaos and never-ending challenges, to upgrade their productivity and creativity, and to stop sacrificing their own personal lives to help others.