Frequently asked questions

  • Picture your best friend if your best friend was:

    • 100% focused on you and you alone

    • held space for you and was never judgmental

    • stuck to a strict confidentiality policy

    • was trained to spot exactly how your thinking is impacting your life, find your blind spots, and offer concrete ways forward to get what you want

    • was trained to be neutral and not have an agenda

    • was never afraid to tell you the truth

    • kept cheering you on and supporting your goals even when you’ve lost the belief in yourself.

  • Coaching (and there are many different types of coaching, just like there are many different types of therapy) is the art of helping someone who is fully functional overcome the regular challenges of life and go from good to great. While the past may be used to learn lessons, coaching emphasizes what is possible in the present and the future. No license is required to be a coach.

    Therapy tends to be particularly effective with people who have gone through difficult events or suffer from a mental illness. The focus is therefore often heavily on examining the past. A license is required to be a therapist.

    The two approaches can be combined or used consecutively. They are not redundant.

  • Your life with a coach is a life where your awareness, your presence, and your results are on steroids. You gain unimaginable understanding about yourself, others and how to create the results you want across all areas of your life. Your brain and your body are your most precious assets: coaching helps you understand them, take care of them, and make them serve you in the most effective way possible.

  • Of course you can! 100%! Just like you can learn to play piano by yourself, or become an athlete by yourself. You just won’t do it as quickly, as effectively or as expertly as you would if you were guided by a pro. This is the investment that unlocks all others.

  • We meet weekly.

    Depending on what you want to create, I recommend working together for at least three/six months (yes, that’s a minimum). We’ll be working on things your brain and body have been accustomed to doing for a long time and, while change can happen very fast, it’s doesn’t tend to happen overnight.

    We will discuss at the beginning of our time together what you want to work on overall, and I will design a bespoke curriculum for you, 100% adapted to your needs. However, every week you get to decide if there is a particular pain point you wish to address (and I’m happy to guide you in your decision-making).

    Every week, you also get coaching support via email.

  • In addition to the weekly call (50 minutes), I recommend doing a few small exercises every week, based on your wants and your progress. It will never take more than one hour total in the whole week and you can choose not to be given homework. It’s totally up to you and how fast you want to move towards your goals.

    For such a small time investment, the return is colossal: what you don’t realize is how much of your time right now is consumed with doubt, confusion, frustration, anger and all sorts of emotions that don’t serve you and don’t contribute to creating what you want out of life. When you start implementing the tools I will offer you, you will see how much time is freed up to focus on considerations that will be much more useful and energizing to you.

    When you get coached, you gain clarity and confidence, and you stop spending your time on BS… you’ll then realize that much of the fatigue you were feeling was actually emotional fatigue.

  • Be yourself.

    Bet on yourself.

    Show up for yourself.

    Don’t give up on yourself.

    Be willing to do hard things for yourself.

  • While I recommend picking one area first and focusing on it, there are two things to keep in mind: 1/ doing the work in that one area will have a positive ripple effect on all other areas of your life because the same mechanisms are at play across the board; 2/ if you commit to doing the work diligently, we could potentially explore as much as one area per month in depth.

    Bottom line is:

    • you tell me how fast or slowly you want to move

    • and you choose what you want to focus on and when, and we make it happen (again, I’m very happy to offer guidance based on best practices/results).

  • After a month of coaching, you’ll start noticing that you just feel…a bit more chill.

    Your emotions won’t feel as much like a crazy out-of-control rollercoaster. You’ll be getting more done, more intentionally. The noise in your brain will be a bit nicer to yourself, and you’ll slowly gain in self-confidence.

    After two months, you’ll realize you haven’t been taking things personally as often anymore.

    The mountains of judgment you felt towards yourself and others won’t be so present anymore. You’ll start trusting your ability to handle unexpected stuff a lot more.

    After three months, you’ll start coaching yourself out of nowhere.

    You’ll catch yourself when thought errors are keeping you stuck somewhere that’s no good. You’ll start looking for more helpful thoughts and emotions, and increasing your capacity to see with excitement the new possibilities that lay ahead of you. You’ll really start to see and experience just how much your reality is created by your thoughts.

    And after that? Sky’s the limit and I’m here to support any direction you want to go…

  • The initial investment is USD 3,072 for 6 months; renewable.

    We offer payment plans and alumni packages.

    The return on investment goes beyond anything you can imagine. Your life will never be the same. Your thinking will be taken to the next level. Your ability to appreciate or re-design your life and feel in control will reach levels you never thought possible.

    I invest thousands in coaching for myself every year, and I’ve never ever looked back: it was always the best decision.

  • My single biggest obsession is that we create what you want. We design the experience together.

    If you’re not satisfied with your results, we will dedicate a session to troubleshooting the situation and course correcting as needed. If you’re still not happy, you will receive a reimbursement for the remaining sessions, pro-rated.

    1- that has not happened with one single Rewired for Good member so far.
    2- I’ll give you all I have, but the results depend on your coachability and willingness to do the work, which is ALWAYS SIMPLE, but NOT ALWAYS EASY.

  • Book a free consult here at your earliest convenience and we will design exactly the curriculum you need to take you where you want to be.

    If you feel deep down like you want to do this, don’t wait: every day you don’t take action is an extra day you spend postponing living and feeling the way you want.

  • Absolutely. We can talk no strings attaached to decide together if coaching would be the best move for you and if the Rewired For Good process would be adequate for you.